Find Meaning in Life… Deepen Relationships
In loving memory of my father Eliyahu Kelman who changed the lives of many. It’s an honor to share your love and wisdom with others til this day.
Let me take you into the inner workings…into the Secrets of the Codes of Life
Absorb this one-on-one experience
Self-hypnosis - Meditation - Real-life stories
Deal with People and Events …the challenges in your life
Take Control!
Join the thousands… who found the answers… that changed their lives
Get inspired, read this fantastical story and see Eliyahu’s videos on YouTube. Scroll down to see 2 books in English and 2 books in Spanish with a free Spanish recorded audiobook.
Prepare to get in touch with your inner self.
Visit my YouTube Channel
Meet the Author
Been there done that…
More about me…
And why you should be reading my book …
Eliyahu Kelman, known to his friends and students as Reb Eliyahu was born in England 76 years ago at the outbreak of the 2nd world war. Eliyahu began his career as an educationalist, youth leader and school principal in England, France, Singapore and South Africa. Needing to improve his finances and initially with some reluctance he diverted from what he believed to be his prime calling in life, blending education with the commercial world by embarking on a colourful, remarkable and ever changing business career.
Over the years he has lectured to thousands of students in many parts of the world, presenting in a number of languages. Having studied with Kabbalists and Rabbis, researched thousands of very ancient books and writings over the past 40+ years, he decided to publish a series of books covering the 'Secrets and Rules embedded in the ancient texts. Applying everything he learned and experienced to living a full life on the Divine mode whilst handling the realities of the Default mode. Who is He? A Teacher, Philosopher, Scholar, Author, Businessman, Mentor and Life Coach who has acquired a great wealth of experience living, working and doing business in the USA, Canada England, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, China, France, Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Holland, Belgium, Ethiopia, Argentina, Singapore, Korea, Iran, and others too many to mention. In all, a third of all the countries in the world.
During his career he developed an uncanny ability to identify the most miniscule opportunity and leverage it into something far greater. While climbing ever higher on the ladders of life, he created a series of unique formulas and business models, enabling a number of major projects and business alliances, always working in the background to give the leaders, in business and politics, the solutions they needed to stay ahead and stand out in front. While doing this he built a number of deep and personal relationships with well-known businessmen, Industrialists and Trade Union leaders, Heads of Banks and Industry, Politicians, Presidents and Prime Ministers. The number of projects that he has participated in, inspired, initiated, organized and managed would fill many lifetimes.
Written by Eliyahu and Published in Honor of his life work:
This book has been written for all those facing trauma when locked down or boxed in by life-changing events; whether from the Covid 19 pandemic, the sudden death of a loved one, accidents or illness, and other defining events in our lives.
We have all experienced pain and trauma in one form or the other at some point in our lives. Some pains come and go without leaving an imprint on us, while others scar us for the rest of our lives as we allow them to take centre stage.
Fast-forward to today, COVID 19 didn't knock on our doors or wait for an invitation, it arrived from out of the blue, a storm to affect every aspect of our lives, a pandemic to bring the world to its knees. For the first time in many decades, a century even, we are ALL IN IT TOGETHER. As we sit...anguished in our boats, in pain, riding out this ferocious tempest, our eyes are set on ONE destination, a painless world, a future where no one suffers.
But what role does pain actually play? Can we come to terms with this obscure lover and understand its language of love?
Eliyahu Kelman invites us to look at pain from another perspective, sharing with us his deep knowledge and wisdom, rooted in ancient Kabbalistic sources and books going back to the beginning of time. Making use of modern hypnotherapy methods, Kelman walks us through exercises that help align our physical bodies with the essence of our souls.
The Thirteen Petaled Lily has been written as a handbook, a guide of all ages, the whole family, to accompany you into the new realities, through and beyond the sudden life-changes, the events, the tsunami of change now hitting your life.
The book teaches the importance of thinking and speaking with confidence, guiding you on your journey, learning how to drain the pain with certainty, knowing that you are never alone.
- Hands-on real down to earth help and advice that really works
- Thousands have already benefited, changing their lives using Eliyahu's video talks, books, hypnotherapy sessions and one on one mentoring.
- Fabulous real-life stories helping you and your family rise above confusion and pain, to live with these new realities.
To best use this book, visit and see our videos. In dedication to Eliyahu Kelman and to his family who are able to share his life work with the world.
About the First Book
Find out what the book can do for you…
Experience the Codes of Life in action … how they really work
For everything and everyone in your life; dealing with challenges, events and relationships.
Learn to use Self-Hypnosis and a new and unique form of meditation.
Internalise over 100 Secrets & Rules… Enter a whole new world, step-by-step, one step at a time. Learn from the codes of life embedded in ancient writings spanning back thousands of years, way back to the dawn of civilisation, even to the first books written by Adam, Noah and Abraham.
Fantastical real life stories showing living proof of the secrets and the rules in action.
How to break the chains of habit and control everything you do
Start living a life of ‘Certainty-Absolute-Certainty’
Learn how to turn the Impossible into the Possible
Abra-ca-Dabra - two words in ancient Aramaic, learn its secrets and how to take control
Turn your close lifetime relationships into a happy and harmonious experience
Make all aspects of your relationships positive and fruitful
Help you to separate your mind from a serious illness
How to better gain closure on the death of a loved one
Uncover the inner secrets of climbing ladders and avoiding snakes in the great game of life
Prepare yourself for all eventualities, expect the unexpected
Open up the channels in your mind - download brilliant solutions
Reprogram your brain to receive and broadcast messages
Live your life aware that no accident is an accident
Reach Beyond Yourself
The short stories and poems, Secrets and Rules
spread throughout the book are spaced repetition,
with hypnosis inside
To help internalise and change your life
repeat each message again and again,
osmosis will happen
through the power of my pen
Also in
Una guía: Para todo y para cada uno en su vida; supera los retos, gestiona los acontecimientos y las relaciones personales. Aprendiendo a utilizar la Auto-Hipnosis y una nueva y única forma de MeditaciónInteriorizando más de 100 Secretos & Reglas.. Entra en un mundo totalmente nuevo, paso a paso, gradualmente. Aprende de los Códigos de la Vida que están integrados en los escritos antiguos, extendiéndose durante miles de años, desde el principio de la civilización, incluso a los primeros libros escritos por Adán, Noé y Abraham. Fantásticas historias de la vida real que ilustran los Secretos y las Leyes en acción
•Cómo romper las cadenas de los hábitos y controlar todo lo que haces.
•Comenzar a vivir una vida de “Certeza – Absoluta – Certeza”.
•Aprender a cambiar lo Imposible en Posible.
•Abra-Ca-Dabra, tres antiguas palabras del antiguo arameo, aprende sus secretos y cómo tener el control.
•Cambia tus relaciones humanas de siempre por experiencias armoniosas y felices.
•Haz que todos los aspectos de tu vida sean fructíferos y positivos.
•Te ayudará a separar tu mente de las enfermedades graves.
•Como superar mejor la muerte de los seres queridos.
•Descubre los secretos interiores para seguir escalando en la vida, evitando las malas influencias en el gran juego de la vida.
•Prepárate para todas las eventualidades, espera y afronta lo inesperado.
•Abre los canales de comunicación de tu mente – encuentra soluciones brillantes.
•Reprograma tu cerebro para recibir, reconocer y emitir los mensajes.
•Vive tu vida, siendo consciente de que ningún accidente es un accidente.
Este libro ha sido escrito para todos aquellos que enfrentan un trauma cuando están encerrados o encerrados por eventos que cambian sus vidas; ya sea por la pandemia de Covid19, la muerte repentina de un ser querido, accidentes o enfermedades y otros eventos que definen nuestras vidas. Todos hemos experimentado dolor y trauma de una forma u otra en algún momento de nuestras vidas. Algunos dolores van y vienen sin dejar una huella en nosotros, mientras que otros nos marcan por el resto de nuestras vidas al permitirles que ocupen el centro del escenario.
Avance rápido hasta hoy, COVID 19 no llamó a nuestras puertas ni esperó una invitación, llegó de la nada, una tormenta que afectó todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas, una pandemia que puso al mundo de rodillas. Por primera vez en muchas décadas, incluso en un siglo, TODOS ESTAMOS JUNTOS. Mientras nos sentamos ... angustiados en nuestros barcos, con dolor, cabalgando esta feroz tempestad, nuestros ojos están puestos en UN destino, un mundo indoloro, un futuro donde nadie sufre. Pero, ¿qué papel juega realmente el dolor? ¿Podemos llegar a un acuerdo con este oscuro amante y comprender su lenguaje de amor?
Eliyahu Kelman nos invita a mirar el dolor desde otra perspectiva, compartiendo con nosotros su profundo conocimiento y sabiduría, arraigados en antiguas fuentes cabalísticas y libros que se remontan al principio de los tiempos. Haciendo uso de métodos modernos de hipnoterapia, Kelman nos guía a través de ejercicios que ayudan a alinear nuestro cuerpo físico con la esencia de nuestra alma. The Thirteen Petalled Lily ha sido escrito como un manual, una guía para todas las edades, para toda la familia, para acompañarlo a las nuevas realidades, a través y más allá de los cambios repentinos de vida, los eventos, el tsunami de cambio que ahora golpea su vida. El libro enseña la importancia de pensar y hablar con confianza, guiándote en tu viaje, aprendiendo a drenar el dolor con certeza, sabiendo que nunca estás solo. Ayuda práctica y con los pies en la tierra y consejos que realmente funcionan.
yMiles de personas ya se han beneficiado y han cambiado sus vidas gracias a las charlas en vídeo, los libros, las sesiones de hipnoterapia y la tutoría individual de Eliyahu. Lea las fabulosas historias de la vida real que le ayudarán a usted y a su familia a superar la confusión y el dolor para vivir con estas nuevas realidades. Este libro fue publicado en dedicación a Eliyahu Kelman y su familia. Para utilizar mejor este libro, visite y vea los videos.
Sogang J
This book makes me feel like I’m sitting next to a wise old man who is a great storyteller.
And it’s so unique because this book is woven with ancient stories, the writer’s real-life stories and practical meditation.
This can be a useful advice whenever we come across obstacles according to our season of life.
Just start to read, follow the stories, get inspired!
Carla M
This is a delightful read that takes you through the sometimes “unbelievable” life stories of the author and the journey that shaped him. It’s ultimately the effective delivery of simple lessons that helps you go through everyday challenges such as the ones you encounter in your relationships, work or even with your own self.
The book is written in such a clear way that at times it makes you feel as if you are having a conversation rather than reading. The meditation exercises help with this feeling as well.
Overall, highly recommended.
Dr Robert Isaacson
Think… Stand Up.. and Walk Tall is a highly accessible and compelling analysis which powerfully penetrates through to the practicality of our daily lives. The author proposes a fundamental change in our thinking and reaction to day-to-day events. The underlying themes described in the book are simple yet profound. The approach which is advised is based on ancient sources but is relevant to our modern times just as it has been to previous generations.
The book is also a practical guide of how to incorporate this novel approach into our thought processes. Easy step-by-step methods are suggested to achieve this internalisation. There are also numerous anecdotes to illustrate how effective this approach can be. The end result is to produce a life changing attitude within ourselves to help us take control of our lives, to achieve our goals and to be optimistic and hopeful for the future. The applications of this approach apply to all situations, to human relationships, to work, to one’s successes and failures and also most importantly to how one views oneself.
I highly recommend this book and look forward to reading the next one in the series.
David Wexler
As a school principal for almost twenty years, I always try to keep my head above water, as problems and challenges face me all the time – 24/7.
My school community (approx. 1,000 students – 2,000 parents – 100 teachers…) take almost all of my time and energy when I’m awake, so I always feel I need rest breaks – time out – to think, breathe, recover and enhance my abilities and my soul.
As a wish come true, I got your book Eliyahu, and I must say that it was a relief, like a breath of fresh air for me.
Moreover, after reading your great ideas of how to turn our lives to a happier and more positive path, I realized my staff can benefit from the same ideas, and so I served them some of your soul secrets.
Thank you for a changing life book!
Michael J
I was first attracted by the poem ‘life is like a mirror’ right at the beginning. I was drawn further and further into the book.
Really felt that Eliyahu was speaking to me personally. What a breath of fresh air. This has made a real change in my actions and thinking.
Everyone should be reading this again and again.
Paul Perez
A must to open her/his mind
Eliyahu Kelman formalized in his book, years of skill and study on the human nature. He never uses a peremptory language to reveal his truth but always use progressive processes to push us forward to that objective. Contrary to many coaching books which rely on personal background, few debatable scientists publication, Eliyahu roots his knowledge in the philosophies handed down through one of the oldest cultures on earth.
A must for the ones who want to open they mind, live and perspectives
Salma M
As a mad keen learner, I have loads of questions about the brain, life meaning, interconnections and the way to make it all function in harmony to get it done.
Then Eliyahu Kelman’s book Think… Stand Up.. & Walk Tall (Soul Secret) suddenly came along with the fantastic idea of putting this collection of recipies together – nicely put together, I’m just dead curious to understand and learn from it…
Game changer for me, keep fresh “Reprogram the brain and Open the channels” to receive knowledge, fresh every single day, feeling better, doing better, enjoying life and knowing we are intrinsically worthwhile; but above all discovering the real WHY behind everything with Certainty.
Brilliant ideas! Brilliant book! And a Gentleman at his Best! I’m grateful Eliyahu
Adel Darwish
I’m so glad to have received Mr Eliyahu Kelman’s book (Think… Stand Up.. & Walk Tall).
It is exciting, gripping, inspiring and food for the soul and I treat it as my guide in my life. Many of my friends who read it said they have greatly benefited from it. It’s a great book.
Thank you Eliyahu Kelman
George A
Hi Eliyahu,
Once I found time to read I realised from the get go this had come at the perfect time for me.
I found early on that I was putting the techniques into practice, especially the “Stand Up Meditation”. In an age where everything is wanted in an instant I found the measured pace of the book steadying and a joy to read.
This has been empowering and is a useful guide to have to hand.
Amina M
Wow, a great book, a good motivator for forgetting about the impossible and getting on with “it”, whatever that is.
If you have lost your way this will help you back on the path, the path to “Learn how to turn the impossible into the possible”.
I find Eliyahu’s philosophy very motivating – he’s the real deal so well worth reading the book if you haven’t come across him before or if you want to uncover the secrets
Thanks Eliyahu for straight-to-the-point encouragement!
If the art of living is the ability to use life obstacles in a constructive fashion, Eliyahu Kelman provided a superb example of how this is to be accomplished.
This book is a great guide full of important information for those of us who struggle with confidence, bringing out the creativity from within and accomplishing a fulfilled life.
James Francis
A true guide to decision makers
This book changed my life.
You should never take anything for granted or at face value. Listen to your inner soul, let it do all the decision making for you. This book guides and teaches you how to listen to the voice of your inner soul. Eliyahu Kelman is a one-of-a-kind writer.
I will recommend this book to anyone in business, man or woman; or to anyone who takes decisions. Wonderful!
A marvellous book, which imparts genuine wisdom and insight through poetry, philosophy and wonderfully-told autobiographical anecdotes.
The activities and exercises are helpful and clearly guide the reader, the grounding in ancient philosophy means that Eliyahu’s perception comes across as erudite and well-rooted.
Strongly recommended.
Lorraine G
Reading this book has given me the confidence and more self-esteem to be able to start on one of my goals, to set up my own care business.
The book made me think more positively and be more aware of my own capabilities and skills, also to believe that I could achieve my goals.
Keep up the good work and I hope your book helps others as well.
Maurice L
This book was a special experience for me. Just couldn’t stop reading.
It simply took me into the realities of life and how I can lift myself above chaos in my life.
Made me feel good about myself. Thanks
Yacov & Helen
What an enlightening experience for both of us. Sometimes it’s so difficult to put the book down because this is so enjoyable to read. We do this as often as possible whenever we have a moment at the end of our meals together. We have learned such a lot.
We really feel that we have acquired a mentor and guide.’
Jacob L
I have known Eliyahu many years and have gained a lot in my life through his guidance and mentoring, both in the material and spiritual.
I am absolutely delighted that he finally decided to share his insight and knowledge, to bring a better chance in life for the many thousands who will read this book.
Reading Think… Stand Up.. and Walk Tall was an experience that I never expected.
Helped me see much deeper into my own life and stand up to daily pressures. Enjoyed the real life stories,
Worth reading again and again
This book is a fabulous adventure that will lead you to the best version of yourself. It is full of true stories that I’m sure will inspire you as much it did for me.
This book gave me all the tools to live my life at the fullest; and I must confess that since I finished reading it, I sometimes opened it when I need it, and I always feel better afterwards.
I already recommended this awesome book to everyone I know because I truly believe that everyone should know the secret of a joyful life.
Thank you Eliyahu for your endless life lessons: now I’m walking tall, and what a great feeling!
Ronit G
Eliyahu Kelman is an incredibly wise, knowledgeable, insightful teacher and author.
In his book, ‘Think, Stand Up And Walk Tall’ Kelman reveals a fascinating and empowering outlook on life. He weaves together insightful spiritual concepts with practical tools and some out of the box strategies and activities that truly support ones journey through this life.
Eliyahu’s kindness, wisdom and generosity shines through in all that he does and is shared so openly with everyone he encounters and this book is no different.
Eliyahu, I read your book which I found thought provoking.
The narrative kept me with you all the time the poems and self-hypnosis, together with personal guidance helped me to focus on what really matters in life.
This has given me real meaning in my life
Asher S
Eliyahu, your book has proved to be very popular with my whole family and has been a source of discussion.
The real life stories and valuable guidance in life always keeping our eyes on the Divine mode and certainty absolute certainty.
As an educationalist I feel that the book is a must for every challenging moment in our lives
Richard H
A great insight about turning negative energy to positive.
Read the quotes over and over again, it really makes you think twice about what one takes for granted.
Simon J
I think that Eliyahu shares his brilliant philosophy and practical techniques to help one achieve personal happiness.
A must read for anyone, this is a very readable and practical book.
His insight into human nature is amazing