HealSpace Coaching

What can I help you with?

I will teach how to manage stress with tools to build a new mindset and to learn a grounding breathing technique.

Focus on relieving

- Stress

- Repetitive thoughts

- Pain due to a life situation: Feeling stuck, or overwhelmed by emotions

- Moving on from hurt, anger, envy resentment from life circumstances

What does the method look like?

Re-defining your reality using simple ideas that intersect the layers of reality between the mind, body, emotions, and soul.

An example is appreciation - what does it mean to appreciate and how can we integrate it into our lives including the perspective of life’s ups and downs into one, whole picture.

What I offer is 30 minute phone call to listen to what you are struggling with and how I can offer a system of thinking that will help you to sort out your struggle on your own.

These are methods that I put together to get out of deep emotions, and ways of repetitive thinking that keeps us stuck.

I have used these methods myself, and put them together with personal experience as well as my studies (which you can see further down on the page).

Why book a session?

Talking to someone helps you to process your thoughts.

And having someone listen, makes you feel less alone.

I did not find that one method helped me.

I found that many methods helped me, and combining them in order to rethink situations in life, helped me to grow from them.

How do I book a session?

Please text me with your name and email at 760-565-2665

What did I study?

I have a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.  

The five years following college I have been working in sales and marketing, administration, and web design. While I was working, I studied and trained with a spiritual Master. I learned:

Chi Gong and Meditation from Sifu Avi and a text by Staurt Olsen

Chi gong has multiple parts of the practice: the breath, the movements, and the wisdom of the Dao. I am certified to teach the Chi Gong breath and the basic understanding of the wisdom of Dao.

Taoism from the texts Tao Te Ching and Zhuangzi

YinYang Theory from a text by Robin Wang

Kabbalah from The Kabbalah Centre

How much is a session?

$72 for a phone call session for 30 minutes.

Package Price: 10% off for 5-10 sessions.  

I take Venmo, or Zelle, and receive the payment before the session begins.

What else I offer:

- Tips on a healthy lifestyle:

- Ingredients to avoid in processed foods while balancing financial needs, convenience, how to focus on the good in the food  

- Book recommendations

- Meditation techniques

- Journaling

More about my study:

During my training, I recorded and edited booklets regarding spiritual energy, mental motivation, meditation, Chi gong, relationships, health, and sustenance from a spiritual Master who studied multiple wisdoms for 30 years.

If you are interested in learning more about him, he offers healing sessions, coaching session, training to master chi gong, as well as more advanced spiritual cleansing, you can visit soulfusionbreath.com.

I am not a licensed therapist. I cannot diagnose. My recommendations are not cures nor are meant to treat any mental illnesses.